class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Introduction to Philosophy ] .date[ ### PHIL 2350 The Meaning of Life - FS23 ] --- class: middle, center, inverse <script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: { And: "{\\mathop{\\&}}", Not: "{\\sim}" } } }); </script> # What is philosophy? --- class: inverse, center, middle background-image: url(assets/school-of-athens.jpg) background-size: cover --- # _φιλοσοφία_ - The word comes from the Greek _φιλο_ (love) and σοφία (wisdom): "love of wisdom" .shadow[ .emphasis[ __Philosophy__: the systematic study of general and fundamental questions, such as those concerning existence, morality, knowledge, values, mind, and language, using the tools of logic and critical reasoning. ] ] - Historically, philosophy encompassed **all** bodies of knowledge. - Early biologists, physicists, matematicians, doctors, etc., were called _philosophers_, and considered themselves as such. --- # Areas of study - As areas of knowlede have matured and become fields of their own, philosophy today focuses on the following areas: - Metaphysics: fundamental nature of reality and existence - Epistemology: nature of knowledge and belief - Ethics: morality and theory of value - Logic: rules of inference, truth-preservation - These other notable subfields cross over several of these basic areas: - Philosophy of religion - Philosophy of science - Political philosophy - Aesthetics - Philosophy of language - Philosophy of mind - ... --- class: medium-font # Philosophical methodology - Philosophy studies these fundamental questions by using _reason_. - Good answers in philosophy are those supported by good reasons, that in principle anyone could understand and accept. - The main object of analysis is the _argument_. _Logic_ is the study of arguments. Here are some (in standard form): .pull-left[ 1. If Taylor Swift is in Missouri, then Taylor Swift is in the US. 2. Taylor Swift is not in the US. 3. Therefore, Taylor Swift is not in Missouri. ] .pull-right[ 1. If life has a meaning, then that meaning is given by a supernatural being. 2. There's no supernatural being. 3. Therefore, life has no meaning. ] --- # About the question of the meaning of life .shadow[ .emphasis-center[ __What is the meaning of life?__ .small-font[(I will call this the _main formulation_ of the question of the meaning of life)] ] ] - Some think that it is the most profound and fundamental question of human existence. - Others think that the question doesn't make sense. --- # Nonsense .shadow[ .emphasis[ __Nonsense argument:__ 1. Only linguistic elements can have a meaning. 2. Life is not a linguistic element (only the _word_ "life" is). 3. Therefore, life doesn't have any meaning (but the _word_ "life" has). ] ] So, the _phenomenon_ of life has no meaning, only the word "life" has. Note: sometimes we _use_ words, sometimes we _mention_ them. When I say that life is what all humans have, I'm using the word. But when I say that I used the word "life" one time in the previous sentence, I'm mentioning the word. --- # The meaning of "life" .center[<img src="assets/meaning-of-life-word.png" alt="" width="80%"/>] We're done! 😝 --- ## What's the problem with the nonsense argument? .shadow[ .emphasis[ __Nonsense argument:__ 1. Only linguistic elements can have a meaning. 2. Life is not a linguistic element (only the _word_ "life" is). 3. Therefore, life doesn't have any meaning (but the _word_ "life" has). ] ] -- Look at premise 1. Is it really true that only linguistic elements can have a meaning? --- class: small-font # Many ways to talk of meaning .w32.pull-left[ Meaning as _Intelligibility_: 1. What you said didn't mean a thing. 2. What did you mean by that statement? 3. Do you know what I mean? 4. What did you mean by that face? (overlaps with purpose) 5. What is the meaning of that book? (what is it about?) 6. What is the meaning of this? (for example, when asked upon returning home to find one's house ransacked) ] .w32.pull-left[ Meaning as _Purpose_: 1. What did you mean by that face? (overlaps with intelligibility) 2. The tantrum is meant to catch his dad's attention. 3. I really mean it! 4. I didn't mean to do it. I promise! 5. You are meant to be here. ] .w32.pull-left[ Meaning as _Significance_: 1. That was so meaningful. 2. This watch really means something to me. 3. That is a highly meaningful event in the life of that city. 4. What do his first six months in office mean for the country? (likely overlaps with intelligibility) 5. That is meaningless! 6. You mean nothing to me! ] --- ## What's the problem with the nonsense argument? .shadow[ .emphasis[ __Nonsense argument:__ 1. Only linguistic elements can have a meaning. 2. Life is not a linguistic element (only the _word_ "life" is). 3. Therefore, life doesn't have any meaning (but the _word_ "life" has). ] ] - Premise 1 is most likely false. - When we ask about the meaning of life, we might be using the word "meaning" in different ways. - Does it _make sense_ to live a life? - What is the _main purpose_ of life (or _in_ life)? - Is life _important_? If so, why? --- # Reminders - Take this week's quiz! - Next week is reading week (three texts from the textbook) - Commentaries and replies due Friday. - After that, lecture week (and rinse and repeat!).