class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Getting started ] .subtitle[ ## Exploring Philosophy ] .date[ ### MSA 2024 - Major ] --- # Agenda 1. Introductions 2. What is philosophy? 3. Rules, class mechanics, and expectations. 4. Quiz: What are your philosophical beliefs? 5. Reading: _Some Thought Experiments_ 6. Activity: _Academic Belonging_ --- .pull-left.w45[ <img src="assets/doctor.jpg" alt="" width="400"/> <img src="assets/family.jpg" alt="" width="400"/> ] .pull-right.w55[ ## About me - Name: Fernando Alvear, Ph.D. - Second year teaching at MSA. - Ph.D. from Mizzou, specialized in Epistemology and Moral Psychology. - Has taught several philosophy courses, including Ethics, Logic and Reasoning, Philosophy of Religion, Epistemology, among others. - Currently lives in St. Louis, with wife Emily and son Nico. - Will start teaching Math and STEM courses at St. Louis University High. ] --- # Introductions Please introduce yourself by sharing the following: - Your name, preferred name, pronouns, high school, city. - *Why* are you here? What made you want to be in this major? Be as honest as possible! --- # What is Philosophy? What do you think philosophy is? How have you encountered the concept of philosophy? What is philosophy _for you_? --- .pull-left.w60[ # _φιλοσοφία_ - The word comes from the Greek _φιλο_ (love) and σοφία (wisdom): "love of wisdom" - Philosophy is the systematized study of general and fundamental questions, such as those concerning existence, reason, knowledge, values, mind, and language. - Historically, philosophy encompassed **all** bodies of knowledge. - Early biologists, physicists, matematicians, doctors, etc., were called _philosophers_, and considered themselves as such. ] .pull-right.w35[ <img src="assets/newton-principia.jpg" alt="" height="500"/> ] --- # Areas of study - As areas of knowlede have matured and become fields of their own, philosophy today focuses on the following areas: - Metaphysics: fundamental nature of reality and existence - Epistemology: nature of knowledge and belief - Ethics: morality and theory of value - Logic: rules of inference, truth-preservation - These other notable subfields cross over several of these basic areas: - Philosophy of religion - Philosophy of science - Political philosophy - Philosophy of language - Philosophy of mind - ... --- # Philosophical methodology - Logic - Deductive logic (_truth-preserving_ reasoning ) - Inductive logic (_probabilistic_ reasoning) - _A priori_ thinking - Examining the consequences of well-seated views. - Examining common-sense responses to thought experiments. - _A posteriori_ thinking - Examining experimental results - Creating mathematical simulations --- # Class mechanics - A usual class day will have these moments: - Reading (research) time - Lecture & discussion - Hands-on activities --- # Expectations - Be _present_! Be the _best_ version of yourself! - Listen respectfully, without interrupting. - Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others' views. - Embrace a curious (scout) mindset, as opposed to a defensive/offensive (soldier) mindset. - Be mindful of the impact of your words, and of the ways you treat certain topics. - Allow everyone the chance to speak. - Avoid assumptions about a member of the class or generalizations about social groups. - Personal information that comes up in our conversations should be kept confidential. - Be forgiving and give others the benefit of the doubt. - Speak up if the class environment doesn't feel safe, or needs intervention. --- # Topics to be covered - How can we determine what's right and wrong? - How can we know about the external world? - Does justice require equality? - Does God exist? - What is knowledge? - How do we reason? - How should we reason? - How words create reality? - How conclusive is science? - Does life have a meaning? - Is the mind physical? - Can computers think? - Is abortion ever permissible? - Do we have free will? --- # Activities/Projects - Activity: Academic belonging - Activity: Discovering your philosophical beliefs - Project: Visualizing Philosophy Bites - Project: The four-sentence paper - Activity: Research day - Activity: What's next? --- # Discovering your philosophical beliefs! - Take the quiz (10 minutes). - Do today's reading. - Stay in the classroom. - Go to the Philosophy Lounge. --- class: center, middle # Academic belonging The extent to which individuals feel like a valued, accepted, and legitimate member in their academic domain. --- # Academic belonging activities - Classroom setup and decoration. - Embrace class rules & expectations. --- # Classroom setup and decoration Philosophy, _φιλοσοφία_, means _love of wisdom_. It does _not mean_: - Love of being right. - Love of being intelligent / clever. - Love of being popular within intellectual circles. - Love of knowing as much as possible. - Love to winning arguments. Questions for reflection/discussion: - What is wisdom? What is not wisdom? - Do you know someone _wise_? What makes that person wise? --- # Classroom setup Tasks: - Create a banner - Word "Love of wisdom" - Write/draw on the banner - What is philosophy for you - Interesting philosophical topics or areas - Philosophical beliefs you hold or are curious about. - Create a poster with rules and expectations. --- # Classroom rules and expectations - Which of these rules you think will be most challenging for you? - Can we give a name, short slogan to these rules? - Any expectations we should add/remove?