
There is a total of 277 entries in the dataset, one for each participant.


gender count percentage
Male 137 49.46%
Female 138 49.82%
Other 2 0.72%


Mean age = 38.8916968.

English as first lang

is_eng count percentage
FALSE 10 3.61%
TRUE 267 96.39%


race count percentage
White 191 68.95%
Black or African-American 27 9.75%
Hispanic 19 6.86%
Asian 32 11.55%
Native American 3 1.08%
Other 5 1.81%


politics count percentage
Very Liberal 46 16.61%
Liberal 97 35.02%
Middle of the Road 85 30.69%
Conservative 43 15.52%
Very Conservative 6 2.17%


education count percentage
High school or equivalent 48 17.33%
Some college 64 23.10%
Trade/technical/vocational training 25 9.03%
Bachelor’s degree 110 39.71%
Master’s degree 22 7.94%
Doctoral degree 2 0.72%
Professional degree (MD, JD, etc.) 5 1.81%
NA 1 0.36%


income count percentage
$0 to $24,999 41 14.80%
$25,000 to $49,999 73 26.35%
$50,000 to $74,999 63 22.74%
$75,000 to $99,999 44 15.88%
$100,000 to $124,999 21 7.58%
$125,000 to $149,999 15 5.42%
$150,000+ 16 5.78%
Prefer not to say 4 1.44%