## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## PROCESS is now ready for use.
## Copyright 2022 by Andrew F. Hayes ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
## Workshop schedule at http://haskayne.ucalgary.ca/CCRAM


Mediation analysis: security -> SES -> blame

## Cronbach's alpha for the 'dfSES' data-set
## Items: 2
## Sample units: 137
## alpha: 0.854
## Bootstrap 95% CI based on 1000 samples
##  2.5% 97.5% 
## 0.760 0.915
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4         
##     Y : blame     
##     X : security_1
##     M : SES       
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: SES
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.4363     0.1904     1.4091    31.7413     1.0000   135.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       3.8529     0.1440    26.7653     0.0000     3.5682     4.1376
## security_1    -1.1428     0.2028    -5.6339     0.0000    -1.5440    -0.7416
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1775     0.0315     1.0369     2.1799     2.0000   134.0000     0.1170
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       4.7301     0.3101    15.2535     0.0000     4.1168     5.3434
## security_1     0.3824     0.1934     1.9776     0.0500    -0.0000     0.7649
## SES            0.1082     0.0738     1.4658     0.1450    -0.0378     0.2542
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.3824     0.1934     1.9776     0.0500    -0.0000     0.7649
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##         Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## SES    -0.1237     0.0984    -0.3507     0.0359
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##         Effect         se          Z          p
## SES    -0.1237     0.0885    -1.3981     0.1621
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000


Mediation analysis: security -> SEImpairment -> blame

## Cronbach's alpha for the 'dfSEImpairment' data-set
## Items: 4
## Sample units: 137
## alpha: 0.924
## Bootstrap 95% CI based on 1000 samples
##  2.5% 97.5% 
## 0.893 0.950
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4           
##     Y : blame       
##     X : security_1  
##     M : SEImpairment
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: SEImpairment
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.8227     0.6768     1.0750   282.7502     1.0000   135.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       4.5625     0.1257    36.2865     0.0000     4.3138     4.8112
## security_1    -2.9792     0.1772   -16.8152     0.0000    -3.3296    -2.6288
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1393     0.0194     1.0498     1.3268     2.0000   134.0000     0.2688
## Model: 
##                   coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant         5.4130     0.4074    13.2850     0.0000     4.6071     6.2188
## security_1       0.0851     0.3080     0.2763     0.7827    -0.5240     0.6942
## SEImpairment    -0.0583     0.0851    -0.6853     0.4944    -0.2265     0.1099
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.0851     0.3080     0.2763     0.7827    -0.5240     0.6942
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##                  Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## SEImpairment     0.1736     0.2537    -0.3111     0.6935
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##                  Effect         se          Z          p
## SEImpairment     0.1736     0.2540     0.6835     0.4943
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000


Mediation analysis: security -> surprise -> blame

## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4         
##     Y : blame     
##     X : security_1
##     M : surprise  
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: surprise
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.5553     0.3084     3.3997    60.1910     1.0000   135.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       2.3382     0.2236    10.4574     0.0000     1.8960     2.7804
## security_1     2.4444     0.3151     7.7583     0.0000     1.8213     3.0675
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.2248     0.0505     1.0165     3.5668     2.0000   134.0000     0.0310
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       4.9040     0.1645    29.8134     0.0000     4.5787     5.2294
## security_1     0.0047     0.2072     0.0225     0.9821    -0.4050     0.4144
## surprise       0.1039     0.0471     2.2086     0.0289     0.0109     0.1970
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.0047     0.2072     0.0225     0.9821    -0.4050     0.4144
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##              Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## surprise     0.2541     0.1249     0.0426     0.5319
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##              Effect         se          Z          p
## surprise     0.2541     0.1205     2.1081     0.0350
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000


Mediation analysis: security -> sympathy -> blame

## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4         
##     Y : blame     
##     X : security_1
##     M : sympathy  
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: sympathy
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.2747     0.0755     2.4962    11.0198     1.0000   135.0000     0.0012
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       2.8382     0.1916    14.8136     0.0000     2.4593     3.2172
## security_1    -0.8962     0.2700    -3.3196     0.0012    -1.4301    -0.3623
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.3799     0.1443     0.9161    11.2976     2.0000   134.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.8104     0.1881    30.8942     0.0000     5.4384     6.1824
## security_1     0.0493     0.1701     0.2897     0.7725    -0.2871     0.3857
## sympathy      -0.2337     0.0521    -4.4825     0.0000    -0.3368    -0.1306
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.0493     0.1701     0.2897     0.7725    -0.2871     0.3857
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##              Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## sympathy     0.2095     0.0893     0.0649     0.4088
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##              Effect         se          Z          p
## sympathy     0.2095     0.0798     2.6258     0.0086
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000

Moral self-expression (with 2 variables)

SE1, SE2

Mediation analysis: security -> selfExpr -> blame

## Cronbach's alpha for the 'dfselfExpr' data-set
## Items: 2
## Sample units: 137
## alpha: 0.911
## Bootstrap 95% CI based on 1000 samples
##  2.5% 97.5% 
## 0.859 0.945
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4         
##     Y : blame     
##     X : security_1
##     M : selfExpr  
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: selfExpr
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.0169     0.0003     1.7672     0.0385     1.0000   135.0000     0.8448
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       3.9265     0.1612    24.3563     0.0000     3.6076     4.2453
## security_1     0.0445     0.2272     0.1961     0.8448    -0.4047     0.4938
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.4146     0.1719     0.8866    13.9064     2.0000   134.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       3.9448     0.2652    14.8751     0.0000     3.4203     4.4694
## security_1     0.2451     0.1609     1.5231     0.1301    -0.0732     0.5634
## selfExpr       0.3062     0.0610     5.0226     0.0000     0.1856     0.4267
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2451     0.1609     1.5231     0.1301    -0.0732     0.5634
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##              Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## selfExpr     0.0136     0.0725    -0.1208     0.1660
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##              Effect         se          Z          p
## selfExpr     0.0136     0.0710     0.1922     0.8476
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000

Moral self-formative control (3 DVs)


Mediation analysis: security -> selfFormControl -> blame

## Cronbach's alpha for the 'dfselfFormControl' data-set
## Items: 3
## Sample units: 137
## alpha: 0.865
## Bootstrap 95% CI based on 1000 samples
##  2.5% 97.5% 
## 0.819 0.904
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4              
##     Y : blame          
##     X : security_1     
##     M : selfFormControl
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: selfFormControl
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.2988     0.0893     1.4062    13.2311     1.0000   135.0000     0.0004
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       3.8088     0.1438    26.4860     0.0000     3.5244     4.0932
## security_1     0.7371     0.2026     3.6375     0.0004     0.3363     1.1378
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.3506     0.1229     0.9390     9.3875     2.0000   134.0000     0.0002
## Model: 
##                      coeff         se          t          p       LLCI
## constant            4.0644     0.2925    13.8947     0.0000     3.4859
## security_1          0.0492     0.1735     0.2838     0.7770    -0.2939
## selfFormControl     0.2842     0.0703     4.0415     0.0001     0.1451
##                       ULCI
## constant            4.6430
## security_1          0.3924
## selfFormControl     0.4233
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.0492     0.1735     0.2838     0.7770    -0.2939     0.3924
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##                     Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## selfFormControl     0.2095     0.0820     0.0724     0.3933
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##                     Effect         se          Z          p
## selfFormControl     0.2095     0.0788     2.6591     0.0078
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000

Moral self-formative control (4 DVs)

SFC1, SFC2, SFC3, and SFC4

Mediation analysis: security -> selfFormControl2 -> blame

## Cronbach's alpha for the 'dfselfFormControl2' data-set
## Items: 4
## Sample units: 137
## alpha: 0.82
## Bootstrap 95% CI based on 1000 samples
##  2.5% 97.5% 
## 0.759 0.864
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4               
##     Y : blame           
##     X : security_1      
##     M : selfFormControl2
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: selfFormControl2
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.4226     0.1786     1.1053    29.3589     1.0000   135.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       3.3346     0.1275    26.1545     0.0000     3.0824     3.5867
## security_1     0.9734     0.1796     5.4184     0.0000     0.6181     1.3287
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.3726     0.1388     0.9220    10.8009     2.0000   134.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                       coeff         se          t          p       LLCI
## constant             4.0011     0.2868    13.9503     0.0000     3.4338
## security_1          -0.0758     0.1810    -0.4186     0.6762    -0.4338
## selfFormControl2     0.3437     0.0786     4.3721     0.0000     0.1882
##                        ULCI
## constant             4.5684
## security_1           0.2823
## selfFormControl2     0.4991
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##      -0.0758     0.1810    -0.4186     0.6762    -0.4338     0.2823
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##                      Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## selfFormControl2     0.3345     0.1025     0.1545     0.5568
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##                      Effect         se          Z          p
## selfFormControl2     0.3345     0.0993     3.3680     0.0008
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000

Third self-expression item

SE3: To what extent do you think Kevin’s criminal behavior reflects the circumstances in which he grew up?

[0=Not at all, …, 6=Extremely]

Note: This variable has been reverse coded.

Mediation analysis: security -> SE3 -> blame

## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4         
##     Y : blame     
##     X : security_1
##     M : SE3       
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: SE3
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.6363     0.4049     1.7236    91.8523     1.0000   135.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       1.6471     0.1592    10.3453     0.0000     1.3322     1.9619
## security_1     2.1500     0.2243     9.5840     0.0000     1.7064     2.5937
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.2305     0.0531     1.0137     3.7588     2.0000   134.0000     0.0258
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       4.8978     0.1635    29.9595     0.0000     4.5745     5.2212
## security_1    -0.0666     0.2230    -0.2987     0.7657    -0.5077     0.3745
## SE3            0.1513     0.0660     2.2926     0.0234     0.0208     0.2819
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##      -0.0666     0.2230    -0.2987     0.7657    -0.5077     0.3745
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##         Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## SE3     0.3253     0.1501     0.0418     0.6358
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##         Effect         se          Z          p
## SE3     0.3253     0.1467     2.2183     0.0265
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000

circumstances (with 2 variables)

SE3 and SFC4

Mediation analysis: security -> circumstances -> blame

## Cronbach's alpha for the 'dfcircumstances' data-set
## Items: 2
## Sample units: 137
## alpha: 0.878
## Bootstrap 95% CI based on 1000 samples
##  2.5% 97.5% 
## 0.802 0.927
## ********************* PROCESS for R Version 4.1.1 ********************* 
##            Written by Andrew F. Hayes, Ph.D.  www.afhayes.com              
##    Documentation available in Hayes (2022). www.guilford.com/p/hayes3   
## *********************************************************************** 
## Model : 4            
##     Y : blame        
##     X : security_1   
##     M : circumstances
## Sample size: 137
## Custom seed: 1234
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: circumstances
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.6278     0.3942     1.4319    87.8293     1.0000   135.0000     0.0000
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       1.7794     0.1451    12.2626     0.0000     1.4924     2.0664
## security_1     1.9162     0.2045     9.3717     0.0000     1.5119     2.3206
## *********************************************************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.2673     0.0715     0.9941     5.1573     2.0000   134.0000     0.0070
## Model: 
##                    coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant          4.7860     0.1758    27.2254     0.0000     4.4383     5.1336
## security_1       -0.1301     0.2189    -0.5946     0.5531    -0.5630     0.3028
## circumstances     0.2029     0.0717     2.8299     0.0054     0.0611     0.3448
## ************************ TOTAL EFFECT MODEL *************************** 
## Outcome Variable: blame
## Model Summary: 
##            R       R-sq        MSE          F        df1        df2          p
##       0.1264     0.0160     1.0457     2.1926     1.0000   135.0000     0.1410
## Model: 
##                 coeff         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
## constant       5.1471     0.1240    41.5063     0.0000     4.9018     5.3923
## security_1     0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## *********************************************************************** 
## Bootstrapping in progress. Please wait.
## ************ TOTAL, DIRECT, AND INDIRECT EFFECTS OF X ON Y ************
## Total effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##       0.2587     0.1747     1.4807     0.1410    -0.0868     0.6043
## Direct effect of X on Y:
##       effect         se          t          p       LLCI       ULCI
##      -0.1301     0.2189    -0.5946     0.5531    -0.5630     0.3028
## Indirect effect(s) of X on Y:
##                   Effect     BootSE   BootLLCI   BootULCI
## circumstances     0.3889     0.1535     0.1017     0.7117
## Normal theory test for indirect effect(s):
##                   Effect         se          Z          p
## circumstances     0.3889     0.1443     2.6950     0.0070
## ******************** ANALYSIS NOTES AND ERRORS ************************ 
## Level of confidence for all confidence intervals in output: 95
## Number of bootstraps for percentile bootstrap confidence intervals: 10000