Valid entries and size of groups

There is a total of 200 entries in the dataset. 4 participants failed the attention check. The valid number of entries is n = 196.

crime deprivation n percentage
violent emo_dep 49 25.00%
violent mat_dep 50 25.51%
financial emo_dep 49 25.00%
financial mat_dep 48 24.49%

By type of crime

crime n percentage
violent 99 50.51%
financial 97 49.49%

By type of deprivation

deprivation n percentage
emo_dep 98 50.00%
mat_dep 98 50.00%

Effect of condition on DVs pre-vignette


moral_pre: Moral responsibility PRE

moral_pre_violent mean = 5, sd = 1

moral_pre_financial mean = 4, sd = 1


crime variable n mean sd se ci
violent moral_pre 99 4.929 0.860 0.086 0.172
financial moral_pre 97 4.134 0.942 0.096 0.190

Between Subjects ANOVA

## Anova Table (Type II tests)
## Response: moral_pre
##            Sum Sq  Df F value    Pr(>F)    
## crime      30.987   1  38.105 3.842e-09 ***
## Residuals 157.763 194                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## # Effect Size for ANOVA
## Parameter | Eta2 |       95% CI
## -------------------------------
## crime     | 0.16 | [0.09, 1.00]
## - One-sided CIs: upper bound fixed at [1.00].
## # Effect Size for ANOVA
## Parameter | Cohen's f |      95% CI
## -----------------------------------
## crime     |      0.44 | [0.32, Inf]
## - One-sided CIs: upper bound fixed at [Inf].

Plots & Comparisons

group1 group2 n1 n2 p p.signif p.adj p.adj.signif effsize conf.low conf.high Cohens’ d
violent financial 99 97 0 **** 0 **** 0.8819 0.61 1.19 large


moral_post: Moral responsibility POST vignette

moral_pre for violent crime: mean = 5, sd = 1

moral_pre for financial crime: mean = 4, sd = 1

moral_post for violent crime & emotional deprivation = moral_pre - 1 = 4.

moral_post for violent crime & material deprivation = moral_pre = 5

moral_post for financial crime & emotional deprivation = moral_pre = 4

moral_post for financial crime & material deprivation = moral_pre - 1 = 3.


crime deprivation variable n mean sd se ci
violent emo_dep moral_post 49 3.918 0.862 0.123 0.248
violent mat_dep moral_post 50 4.940 0.867 0.123 0.246
financial emo_dep moral_post 49 4.122 0.927 0.132 0.266
financial mat_dep moral_post 48 3.146 0.967 0.140 0.281

Two-Way Between Subjects ANOVA

##              Effect    SSn     SSd DFn DFd      F        p p<.05      pes
## 1             crime 30.950 157.738   1 192 37.672 4.70e-09     * 0.164000
## 2       deprivation  0.052 157.738   1 192  0.064 8.01e-01       0.000332
## 3 crime:deprivation 48.904 157.738   1 192 59.526 6.41e-13     * 0.237000
## # Effect Size for ANOVA (Type II)
## Parameter         | Eta2 (partial) |       95% CI
## -------------------------------------------------
## crime             |           0.16 | [0.09, 1.00]
## deprivation       |       3.32e-04 | [0.00, 1.00]
## crime:deprivation |           0.24 | [0.16, 1.00]
## - One-sided CIs: upper bound fixed at [1.00].
## # Effect Size for ANOVA (Type II)
## Parameter         | Cohen's f (partial) |      95% CI
## -----------------------------------------------------
## crime             |                0.44 | [0.32, Inf]
## deprivation       |                0.02 | [0.00, Inf]
## crime:deprivation |                0.56 | [0.43, Inf]
## - One-sided CIs: upper bound fixed at [Inf].

Plots & Comparisons

crime group1 group2 n1 n2 p p.signif p.adj p.adj.signif effsize conf.low conf.high Cohens’ d
violent emo_dep mat_dep 49 50 0 **** 0 **** -1.1818 -1.65 -0.77 large
financial emo_dep mat_dep 49 48 0 **** 0 **** 1.0310 0.61 1.55 large

Three-way mixed Anova


DV representing moral responsibility is called “moral”.
crime deprivation time variable n mean sd se ci
violent emo_dep moral_pre moral 49 4.918 0.862 0.123 0.248
violent emo_dep moral_post moral 49 3.918 0.862 0.123 0.248
financial emo_dep moral_pre moral 49 4.122 0.927 0.132 0.266
financial emo_dep moral_post moral 49 4.122 0.927 0.132 0.266
violent mat_dep moral_pre moral 50 4.940 0.867 0.123 0.246
violent mat_dep moral_post moral 50 4.940 0.867 0.123 0.246
financial mat_dep moral_pre moral 48 4.146 0.967 0.140 0.281
financial mat_dep moral_post moral 48 3.146 0.967 0.140 0.281

Some plots

Type of crime on each window.

Deprivation (emotional or material) on each window.


Three-way anova: crime (violent/financial) x deprivation (emotional/material) x time(pre-vignette/post-vignette).

## ANOVA Table (type III tests)
##                   Effect DFn DFd      F        p p<.05      ges
## 1                  crime   1 192 37.692 4.66e-09     * 1.64e-01
## 2            deprivation   1 192  0.030 8.62e-01       1.57e-04
## 3                   time   1 192    Inf 0.00e+00     * 7.20e-02
## 4      crime:deprivation   1 192 14.856 1.58e-04     * 7.20e-02
## 5             crime:time   1 192    Inf 0.00e+00     * 1.53e-32
## 6       deprivation:time   1 192    Inf 0.00e+00     * 2.08e-31
## 7 crime:deprivation:time   1 192    Inf 0.00e+00     * 7.20e-02

Two-way anova: crime (violent/financial) x deprivation (emotional/material)

## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 8
##   time       Effect              DFn   DFd          F        p `p<.05`       ges
## * <fct>      <chr>             <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>
## 1 moral_pre  crime                 1   192 37.7       4.66e- 9 "*"       1.64e-1
## 2 moral_pre  deprivation           1   192  0.03      8.62e- 1 ""        1.57e-4
## 3 moral_pre  crime:deprivation     1   192  0.0000457 9.95e- 1 ""        2.38e-7
## 4 moral_post crime                 1   192 37.7       4.66e- 9 "*"       1.64e-1
## 5 moral_post deprivation           1   192  0.03      8.62e- 1 ""        1.57e-4
## 6 moral_post crime:deprivation     1   192 59.5       6.41e-13 "*"       2.37e-1

One-way anova: deprivation (emotional/material)

## # A tibble: 4 Ă— 9
##   crime     time       Effect        DFn   DFd      F          p `p<.05`     ges
## * <fct>     <fct>      <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>
## 1 violent   moral_pre  deprivation     1    97  0.015    9.01e-1 ""      1.6 e-4
## 2 financial moral_pre  deprivation     1    95  0.015    9.04e-1 ""      1.56e-4
## 3 violent   moral_post deprivation     1    97 34.6      5.85e-8 "*"     2.63e-1
## 4 financial moral_post deprivation     1    95 25.8      1.91e-6 "*"     2.13e-1

moral_pre as control

Note: This analysis has unbalanced sample sizes


crime deprivation variable n mean sd se ci
violent emo_dep moral 49 3.918 0.862 0.123 0.248
violent mat_dep moral 50 4.940 0.867 0.123 0.246
violent control moral 99 4.929 0.860 0.086 0.172
financial emo_dep moral 49 4.122 0.927 0.132 0.266
financial mat_dep moral 48 3.146 0.967 0.140 0.281
financial control moral 97 4.134 0.942 0.096 0.190

Between Subjects ANOVA

## Anova Table (Type II tests)
## Response: moral
##                    Sum Sq  Df F value    Pr(>F)    
## crime              61.937   1  75.777 < 2.2e-16 ***
## deprivation        24.055   2  14.715 6.938e-07 ***
## crime:deprivation  48.904   2  29.916 8.344e-13 ***
## Residuals         315.501 386                      
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## # Effect Size for ANOVA (Type II)
## Parameter         | Eta2 (partial) |       95% CI
## -------------------------------------------------
## crime             |           0.16 | [0.11, 1.00]
## deprivation       |           0.07 | [0.03, 1.00]
## crime:deprivation |           0.13 | [0.08, 1.00]
## - One-sided CIs: upper bound fixed at [1.00].
## # Effect Size for ANOVA (Type II)
## Parameter         | Cohen's f (partial) |      95% CI
## -----------------------------------------------------
## crime             |                0.44 | [0.36, Inf]
## deprivation       |                0.28 | [0.18, Inf]
## crime:deprivation |                0.39 | [0.30, Inf]
## - One-sided CIs: upper bound fixed at [Inf].

Plots & Comparisons

crime.x group1 group2 n1 n2 p p.signif p.adj p.adj.signif effsize crime.y conf.low conf.high Cohens’ d
violent emo_dep mat_dep 49 50 0.000 **** 0 **** -1.1818 violent -1.68 -0.78 large
violent emo_dep control 49 99 0.000 **** 0 **** -1.1744 violent -1.57 -0.83 large
violent mat_dep control 50 99 0.943 ns 1 ns 0.0124 violent -0.35 0.34 negligible
financial emo_dep mat_dep 49 48 0.000 **** 0 **** 1.0310 financial 0.61 1.52 large
financial emo_dep control 49 97 0.944 ns 1 ns -0.0123 financial -0.35 0.31 negligible
financial mat_dep control 48 97 0.000 **** 0 **** -1.0395 financial -1.50 -0.68 large